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Day Center for People with Dementia -Greece




Dementia, alzheimer, dementia care, health, day center


Day Center for People with Dementia- GREECE

Date of application

Since 2001 Greece has been able to license and operate Alzheimer’s


Alzheimer’s Day Centers function as units of day care for patients with Alzheimer’s and other

related disorders.

The aim is to organise and implement group and individual therapeutic programs, which are

always shaped according to the stage of each patient’s disease.

After a clinical examination by a neurologist or psychiatrist of the Centre, neuropsychological

assessment by a psychologist and evaluation of social history, those who wish to participate in the programs are included in groups depending on the degree of difficulties they face and their specific needs.

In the groups there are therapeutic programs that, in addition to the medication, aim at the

mental empowerment of the participants, and the mobilisation and maintenance of their skills and communication skills for as long as possible.

At the same time, emphasis is placed on the prevention, information, education and

psychological support of relatives of patients and the awareness of the community on issues

related to dementia.

Location /geographical coverage

Alzheimer’s Day Centers operate throughout Greece from Crete to Evros.

Indicatively, the following are mentioned:

➢ Alzheimer’s Day Centers of Athens:

➢ Dementia Day Center of Ioannina: WEB SITE

➢ Dementia Day Center of Larissa: WEB WITE


➢ Alexandroupolis Dementia Day Center: More

Organisation responsible for good practices

Ministry of Health of Greece

Stakeholders and Partners

The beneficiaries of this good practice are elderly people who are unable to fully care (motor

difficulties, dementia, etc.), whose family environment that cares for them, works or faces serious social and economic or health problems and is unable to respond to the care she has undertaken.

The organisations that operate Day Care Centres for people with dementia are as follows:

• Hellenic Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (Thessaloniki): 2 Day Care Centres

Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders of Athens: 4 Day Care Centres

• Hellenic Society for Alzheimer’s & Related Disorders of Volos: 1 Day Care Centre and 1 boarding school

• Psychogeriatric Association “Nestor” — Athens: 1 Day Care Centre and 1 boarding school

• Society for the Development of Community Mental Health Services for Children and Adults

“Panakeia” based in Rhodes: 1 Day Care Centre

• Hellenic Association of Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders of Chania: 1 Day Care Centre National Action Plan on Dementia — Alzheimer’s disease

Short summary 

Day Centres for people with dementia are places of employment for people with dementia where programs of group and individual non-pharmaceutical interventions are implemented. These “interventions” include mental empowerment, speech therapy, occupational therapy, art therapies, physiotherapy, gymnastics, etc. and aim at mobilising participants and maintaining their skills and communication skills. The services offered by Day Centers are aimed at people with dementia as well as those with mild mental impairment (protection of dementia). At the same time, however, information programs and prevention groups for mentally healthy people are being implemented. In all cases, groups are formed according to the strengths and weaknesses of the participants, taking into account the specific needs of each individual.


The impact of Dementia Day Centers is complex and extremely important.

In addition to non-pharmaceutical interventions, the following services are also offered at Day Centres:

➢ Memory clinic (medical and neuropsychological evaluation of people over 60 years of age).

➢ Individual and group counselling and support programs for carers.

➢ Training programs for carers around the practical issues of caring for people with dementia.

➢ Telemedicine services

➢ Nursing instructions to families of people with dementia.

The aim of all the above services is the integrated management of dementia and the

improvement of the quality of life of people with dementia and their families.

All Alzheimer’s services are offered free of charge.

Apart from patients with dementia, there is also a very strong impact on their caregivers.

The patient’s stay at home and the effectiveness of interventions in the community depend

heavily on the presence of a supportive family environment. Caregivers of people with dementia suffer a significant psychological and financial burden and a burden on their physical health. Their support at all levels is necessary and imperative.

Innovation in Europe

How has good practice contributed to innovation in heat wave management?

The Dementia Day Centres from their urban planning and, as a condition for obtaining their

operating permit, must have the appropriate air conditioning equipment that shapes the climate in their interiors in a way that extreme weather events such as heat waves or excessive cold, do not affect the daily life of the servicers and employees, providing a sense of comfort and safety to them.

Lessons learned

What are the key messages and lessons to be learned from good practice experience?

In the care units for the elderly, a dynamic model of care is followed. With frequent changes in decoration, depending on the season of the year, with many activities, occupation, colors, light, music, we create spaces of hospitality that are full of life. We aim for each Unit to exude the atmosphere and energy of a kindergarten and to be a place of life and well-being and not a conventional care center for the elderly.

The main concern is the creation of care areas for the elderly and people with dementia, with a home environment. Rooms where guests feel safe and comfortable, like their home, while enjoying care of a specialised geriatric unit and quality of life of hotel level. The Dementia Day Centres are not institutional nursing homes or immunised nursing homes, but a positive attitude towards the 3 rd age.

It is knowledge, specialisation and ensuring a framework for providing services to people and the community.


What elements need to be put in place for good practices to be institutional, socially,

economically and environmentally sustainable?

The National Action Plan on Dementia — Altzheimer’s disease maps the country’s needs in the field of dementia and proposes the directions and actions that will lay the foundations for improving the health and life standards of people with dementia and their caregivers.

However, in order to achieve the objectives set for our country in the field of dementia, it is

necessary to define the framework and procedures for its implementation as regards the political supervision, planning, coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the National Action Plan.

In addition, continuous evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of the National Action Plan is required as well as the continuous cooperation of the stakeholders with the political leadership of the Ministry of Health.

For the implementation of the National Action Plan and consequently for the implementation and sustainability of good practice, all possible sources of funding such as the European Union Structural Funds and in particular the Partnership Pact (PCA), the state budget, the Corporate Social Responsibility, sponsorship, etc. will be used.

Replicability and/or up-scaling 

What are the possibilities for a wider extension of good practice?

To set up Dementia Day Centres structures belonging to care providers (such as hospitals) as well as independent areas that, according to law, meet the conditions for hosting such a Center.

Hospitals, using national and European programmes in this way, implement extrovert actions

that are socially beneficial to citizens.

A good example is the General University Hospital of Alexandroupolis with the supervision of the Neurological Clinic.

Presentation of Day Center of the University

This is also the case at Arta Hospital:

In the case of Syros, it could be supervised by the Integrated Psychogeriatric Support program already in place on the island.

Contact Details

What is the address of the people or project you can contact if you want more information on good practice?




Relevant website(s)

What are the webpages of the projects where good practice has been identified and


Indicatively, the following are mentioned:

➢ Alzheimer’s Day Centers of Athens:

➢ Dementia Day Center of Ioannina:

➢ Dementia Day Center of Larissa:


➢ Alexadroupolis Dementia Day Center


Related resources that have been developed

What training manuals, guidelines, data sheets, posters, images, video and audio documents

have been developed in good practice?

➢ Larissa, special dementia day center:

they have developed

➢ Day Center for People with Dementia, Public Benefit Association I take care of:

Κοινωφελές Σωματείο Φροντίζω
Κοινωφελές Σωματείο Φροντίζω
Το Κοινωφελές Σωματείο Αρωγής και Φροντίδας Ηλικιωμένων και ΑμεΑ- «Φροντίζω» είναι μια μη κερδοσκοπική οργάνωση, η οποία δημιουργήθηκε στην περιοχή της Πάτρας το 2009. Σκοπός μας είναι η προώθηση των δικαιωμάτων η γενικότερη υποστήριξη των ατόμων τρίτης ηλικίας, των ασθενών με άνοια και νόσο Alzheimer και των οικογενειών τους. ΄Εχοντας μελετήσει τις ιδιαίτερες ανάγκες της τρίτης ηλικίας αλλά και το πως η άνοια οδηγεί στην κοινωνική απομόνωση τους ασθενείς καθώς και στην οικονομική και ψυχοσωματική εξουθένωση τα μέλη των οικογενειών που έχουν αναλάβει την φροντίδα τους, το Φροντίζω αποφάσισε να αναλάβει δράση. Χρησιμοποιώντας την γνώση και την εμπειρία που έχουν τα μέλη μας στους τομείς αυτούς αλλά και στη βαθιά πεποίθηση μας πως αυτά τα άτομα μπορούν να ζήσουν με αξιοπρέπεια και καλή ποιότητα ζωής σε καθημερινή βάση παρέα με τα οικεία τους πρόσωπα προχωρήσαμε στο σχεδιασμό παρεμβάσεων και προγραμμάτων για την επίτευξη του σκοπού αυτού.

➢ Day Center for Dementia in Arta:

➢ Greek National Dementia Action Plan:

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