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DediCares decalogue of recommendations



Recommendations; good habits; awareness-raising.





Main result 



DediCares decalogue of recommendations


Date 2019-2020



The aim of this good practice is to avoid possible heat stroke among older adults, therefore DediCares offers a decalogue of recommendations to keep them well cared for.


Location  /geographical coverage           

Seville (Spain)


Organisation  responsible  for good  practice     


DediCares, an elderly care organization in Seville, Spain.

Stakeholders and partners

The beneficiaries of the good practice are seniors. DediCares is present in Sevilla, Malaga, Cadiz, Cordoba, Granada, Almeria, Murcia, Madrid.

Short  summary 


DediCares offers a decalogue of recommendations to keep elderly adults safe

during the heat wave, so it is necessary to follow a series of tips to avoid suffering too much during these summer days. For example, wear light clothing, avoid caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, eat more fruits and vegetables, keep under control the hours of sleep and the blood pressure.



The positive aspect is raising awareness of the consequences of heat on seniors so prevention is one of the most effective way to deal with it thanks to specific

recommendations that are disseminated in all areas of Spain where this care

provider is located.



The main innovative aspect lies on addressing heat waves in the general services

provided by care organisations.


Lessons learned


Heatwaves are not a new issue in Spain but in other countries recently affected by heatwaves the tips and recommendations provided could be of support to get prepared.




Just ensure the widest ways, means of possible dissemination of the recommendations with adequate medical back up and follow up.


Replicability  and/or  up-scaling

The good practice could be extended more widely because it consists in tips that are easy to adopt and promote. It can be useful to compare the recommendations with tips in other places, to have a comparation. In this case, seniors’ care providers are the key stakeholders.


Contact  details

Tel. DediCares: +34 955 312 028

Mail DediCares:

Related Web site(s)


Related resources that have been developed

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