E-Courses- MOOCs
E-Learning for students
An innovative e-learning course has been developed in a specific MOODLE HOPE E-LEARNING platform to provide students across various disciplines with practical tools for preventing and managing heat-related health issues in older adults. This course is designed for broad accessibility, aligning with relevant curricula and meeting the needs of organizations like nursing homes, home care, and social work agencies. Using a blended learning approach with multimedia materials, it fosters knowledge retention while promoting global collaboration and knowledge exchange.
The course is in English and is suitable for students, healthcare professionals, and informal caregivers.
MOOCs for Caregivers
This online course is specially developed for people who like to learn by reading short texts, watching video clips and by answering questions. This tool is meant for those who care for older people in times of heatwaves: formal and informal. But also for everyone who wants to know what can be done in times of very high temperatures, how to stay cool, and how to prevent heat stress, this is done in a fast and accessible way.
This tool is free, and in case you have answered at least 80% of the questions correctly, you can download a certificate, which is free also. To go through this course, and answering all questions will take about 30 minutes of your time. If you have answered a question incorrectly, you will immediately see some feedback with an explanation.
Should you want to gain more in-depth information about heatwaves, their causes and their consequences, there is a free e-learning that was built with EU support, meant for healthcare and wellbeing professionals.
You can log in with the following link with your GOOGLE or Microsoft accounts :
You can create a new account from here :
You will receive a welcome mail and you can log in, with your username and password!
You can visit the HOPE platform and you can choose your e-course -MOOC in your language from here:
To start this first, shorter online course, just click on the picture below.