Day Center for People with Dementia- GREECE
Date of application
Since 2001 Greece has been able to license and operate Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s Day Centers function as units of day care for patients with Alzheimer’s and other
related disorders.
The aim is to organise and implement group and individual therapeutic programs, which are
always shaped according to the stage of each patient’s disease.
After a clinical examination by a neurologist or psychiatrist of the Centre, neuropsychological
assessment by a psychologist and evaluation of social history, those who wish to participate in the programs are included in groups depending on the degree of difficulties they face and their specific needs.
In the groups there are therapeutic programs that, in addition to the medication, aim at the
mental empowerment of the participants, and the mobilisation and maintenance of their skills and communication skills for as long as possible.
At the same time, emphasis is placed on the prevention, information, education and
psychological support of relatives of patients and the awareness of the community on issues
related to dementia.
Location /geographical coverage
Alzheimer’s Day Centers operate throughout Greece from Crete to Evros.
Indicatively, the following are mentioned:
➢ Alzheimer’s Day Centers of Athens:
➢ Dementia Day Center of Ioannina: WEB SITE
➢ Dementia Day Center of Larissa: WEB WITE
➢ Alexandroupolis Dementia Day Center: More
Organisation responsible for good practices
Ministry of Health of Greece
Stakeholders and Partners
The beneficiaries of this good practice are elderly people who are unable to fully care (motor
difficulties, dementia, etc.), whose family environment that cares for them, works or faces serious social and economic or health problems and is unable to respond to the care she has undertaken.
The organisations that operate Day Care Centres for people with dementia are as follows:
• Hellenic Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (Thessaloniki): 2 Day Care Centres
Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders of Athens: 4 Day Care Centres
• Hellenic Society for Alzheimer’s & Related Disorders of Volos: 1 Day Care Centre and 1 boarding school
• Psychogeriatric Association “Nestor” — Athens: 1 Day Care Centre and 1 boarding school
• Society for the Development of Community Mental Health Services for Children and Adults
“Panakeia” based in Rhodes: 1 Day Care Centre